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Privacy Statement

Hello there! I want to be crystal clear about privacy on this website, so here's the scoop:

Your Privacy is Secure Because... There's Nothing to Secure!

  • Zero Data Collection: This site doesn't collect any personal information. None. Zip. Nada.
  • No Tracking, No Analytics: I don't use Google Analytics or any other tracking tools. Your visit is just between you and your browser.
  • Cookie-Free Zone: No cookies here! Your browser won't store any information about your visit.
  • Ad-Free and Non-Commercial: You won't see any ads, and I'm not selling anything. This site exists purely to share educational resources.
  • External Links: This website does not collect any personal information. However, it contains links to external sites that may gather your data. By clicking these links, you'll leave this site and be subject to the privacy policies of those external websites.

In short, I've designed this site to be as privacy-friendly as possible. You can browse and use the materials here without worrying about your data being collected or your activities being tracked.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. You'll find my contact information at the bottom of this page.

Happy Exploring!
George Self