Tombstone Silver Image

OK Corral


Nighttime street scene with 'O.K. Corral' sign visible, illuminated lights, and floating orbs in the foreground.

This article concerns the paranormal activity at the OK Corral. Guests interested in the history of this location can find thousands of written pages and should consult those resources. The image was taken on Allen Street in front of the OK Corral and shows many orbs.

Paranormal Activity

Tombstone is home to several "Residual Hauntings," which are ghosts that seem to return and do the same thing repeatedly, like a video replaying the same loop. One of those hauntings occurs several times a year, early in the morning inside the OK Corral. One day, the owner of the OK Corral reported that as he was preparing for the business day, he glanced into the corral and saw an actor dressed like an 1880s rancher who should not have been inside the locked Corral. The owner immediately went outside to confront the man, but when he got there, the rancher had vanished. Over the next few years, the owner saw the rancher from time to time. He watched and noticed that the rancher always did the same thing; he would take a few steps and then turn to his right and make an odd motion with his hands at just about head level, then he would turn and take two or three more steps and repeat those hand gestures -- this was repeated several times. One day it finally came to the owner what the old rancher was doing: He was taking care of horses in the corral. He would stop in front of a stall, turn and face a horse, cup some feed to the horse's mouth with one hand, and pet the horse's head with the other. Of course, there have not been horses here in decades, but the old rancher does not mind.

Occasionally guests who spend the night in town and walk past the OK Corral report hearing horses inside even though none are there. Finally, along the wall at the back of the OK Corral, a marker shows where the gunfight took place. Guests sometimes report an overwhelming sense of depression, "bad air," some call it, at that location.


The OK Corral is located at 326 E Allen Street.