Tombstone Silver Image



Interior of an old gymnasium with exposed wooden beams and trusses. The room features various exercise equipment including hanging ropes, parallel bars, and Indian clubs on the floor. A balcony or mezzanine level is visible with framed pictures on the wall and an American flag. Large windows on the left provide natural light. The image is in black and white, giving it a vintage appearance.

While no photos exist of the Tombstone Turnverein Hall, this is an image of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Hall in 1910. It would be reasonable to assume that Tombstone’s Turnverein Hall would be smaller but similarly equipped. It is interesting to note that a piano or organ was at the edge of the hall so that music could be played during exercise sessions.

Newspaper Accounts

Tombstone’s Turnverein Hall was an important location for meetings and social events. While it is not possible to know how many people could fit in the hall, it is reasonable to assume that it would accommodate a crowd of about 150. Thus, Schieffelin Hall would be used for events of up to 500, and the Turnverein Hall, just one block away, would be used for smaller events. The following articles were found in the Epitaph Newspaper and illustrate the types of events that would have been hosted at the Turnverein Hall.

The dancing academy of Mesers. McCarty & Stewart has been continuing its lessons in the giddy art without an intermission from the start, some six weeks ago, and pupils who at that time found it difficult to catch the simplest step now pass through the dance with ease and grace. The class, which numbers about thirty members, meets every Wednesday and Saturday evenings at Turn Verein hall, where they receive instructions from the professors. Mr. McCarthy's method of teaching is so simple that it requires but a short time to become something of a dancer. Young ladies generally attend the class, and thus the lessons pass off very pleasantly.

Tombstone Epitaph, April 24, 1882, Page 5 (

[This short article was part of a report about the 4th of July activities that included "delegations from Tucson and Phenix."] This evening a reception will be given to the Tucson people and invited guests at Turn Verein Hall. The reception will commence at 7:30, and will consist of skating for about two hours, followed by dancing.

Tombstone Epitaph, July 5, 1890, Page 3 (


The Turnverein Hall was located at the southeast corner of 4th and Safford Streets. That location is a private residence today and there is nothing remaining of the Hall.