Note: This article concerns paranormal activity in the courthouse. Another article discusses the History of the Courthouse.
There was a jail on the first floor for prisoners serving short sentences or appearing before the judge. That cell was also the last "home" for the seven men who swung from the gallows behind the Courthouse. It seems reasonable to assume that many criminals would have been upset at the sentences handed down, so their spirits come back today to seek retribution. Orbs are commonly photographed here, and the occasional face appears in the windows.
Some folks tell about a light appearing in the small cupola on top of the courthouse. The cupola is closed to the public because the narrow steps leading to it are not safe; however, the city leaves a small light on in that space year-round. Occasionally, though, a second light is reported moving around in the cupola late at night. It is like a lantern being carried around by some night watchman inside that tiny room. Perhaps there was a time when a lantern was kept burning in what would have been the tallest structure in town as a beacon for travelers coming to Tombstone out of the surrounding mountains, and some long-dead county employee is still trying to show guests the way to town.
The following photo shows a ghost looking out a window above the door and was sent to me by a guest.

The old Cochise County courthouse is located at 223 E Toughnut St.